Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Oh good! I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!"
    View Discussion.
3 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy it! :)"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Thank you! Glad you liked the ending. :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Awesome. I hope you like the rest of the installments too. :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Thank you. That's what every author wants to hear. :)"
    View Discussion.
6 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Gotta keep you coming back. :) Actually, I don't even think about it like that. I think about the novel as a whole and keep the chapter pacing moving, but yes, that does mean a few cliff hanger chapters when I post to Channillo."
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7 years ago